Yesterday, we finished our visit up to Massachusetts to prepare for our move in August. It was a great time had by all and we were able to find a great house near the town that we are looking to plant in. (Praise God! Thank You Jesus! Now we need $3000 for security deposits and rent. Praise God! Thank You Jesus!)
So yesterday, we drove over 500 miles from Massachusetts to just south of DC in a little over 6 hours. Once we got south of DC on 95 however, we went the last 70 miles in 4 hours. This included over a 2 hour dead stop in the middle of 95. On my list of things I hoped to experience before I died, "being in a traffic jam at midnight on 95 south of Washington DC" was just below "live in efficiency non-air conditioned apartment with hairy, fat sweaty man during summer".
One of the issues surrounding this traffic jam was the fact that I had been pounding Invigorating Water for the 500 miles leading up to the stoppage of progress. Naturally, once the worlds largest automotive conga line was formed, Ryan needed to relieve himself. Being a man, I am equipped to "make this happen" and I did. However, as I drained the main vein, I thought about what precautions I would take to carry out such action if this were happening in the day time. It then led me to think about what deep spiritual implications that had and how we do things in the dark that we would'nt do in the light. All of this deep theological thought caused me to loose focus and I "dribbled" all over my foot and sandle. Stupid deep thoughts.
Oh my...Try not to have those deep thoughts too often, ok?
I just peed out my front door in the daylight to prove I will do everything in the light.
Matt is now my hero. I only hope to one day be Matt Duke.
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