I was watching TV this afternoon in between writing Bible studies and I was blessed to observe something as rare as unicorns grazing in your back yard and attending Halley's Comet watch parties. As I flipped channels, I landed on ESPN2 and the Euro 2008 (soccer, futbol) and I actually got to watch a live goal being scored by one of the many European clubs that is not the United States of America. I could not believe my eyes when the player (Vooucovic or Shamalamadingdong or something like that) controlled the ball near the goal and kicked past the goalie. After seeing this, I immediately knew that I had witnessed history because goals are not scored every game in soccer. I gathered the girls around me and told them to remember this moment because they may never get to witness this again.
I wiped the tear from my eye and told the girls to go journal their feelings. It was a special moment.
Ooh Ooh! Did someone say Haley's comet? I brought ny Nike's!
That's almost as rare as a clean OU athletic program.
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