Oh what fun it is to tour when it is 105 degrees! We have had a great time on the "Fun"raising tour so far.
Tuesday, June 23rd, we flew into Houston and were picked up by our great family friends the Craigs. We knew the Craigs back when we were in Yukon, OK. They were a tremendous family who helped, encouraged and loved on us as we were served there in Yukon. Bob and Vera along with their grown kids, Josh and Katherine, have continued to love us and support us as we have moved to Richmond and now onto Massachusetts.
We got to see many of the original props from the movies including the original R2D2 and C3PO, hand written script for Star Wars and the costume of Indiana Jones. It was so cool to experience this with family and good friends.
However, the coolest part had to be seeing the rocket that launched the Appollo missions. It was huge! It really is hard to explain and these pictures do not do it justice.
The trip has had some work in it as well. On Saturday, we drove to Sulphur, LA where we connected up with our old friends the Taylors. Bobby is the pastor of Life Church in Sulphur. He was Christie's Youth Pastor back in the day when hair bangs resembled Venus Flytraps. It was great to see him and his family after many years and see what Life Church was all about. I presented what God was doing in all of their 3 services and it was a blessing to talk with many members of Life after the services.
Many talked about the statistics I presented of the lost state of Massachusetts, but the work of the Spirit that we see at MERCYhouse. It was very encouraging to hear the kind words of the Life Churh people and have them pray about supporting our ministry in the Pioneer Valley.
It was also encouraging to see what a mission minded church they are. This picture shows where they as a church are going this year on short term mission trips. It was amazing to hear how many of these short term trips led to sending individuals, couples and families off to the uttermost parts of the world to serve in a full time capacity. Bobby is responsible for setting this direction and passion in Life Church. It was a blessing to see.

Stay tuned for Report 2 - Newcastle, Ok, Surrey Hills, Sulphur, Ok this time and the 4th of July!
PS. Check out more pics from our trip on my Facebook page!
1 comment:
wow that is so cool! looks like you guys are having lots of fun this summer! Love you all and hope to hear more from you all soon!
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