Saturday, April 4, 2009

Charismatics & bored people

I grew up in a really conservative church, oh who am I kidding; Jerry Falwell was too liberal for the church I grew up in. Even though the were ultra conservative, they enjoyed being scared by a good demon story. Especially if the result of that good demon story was that those being told the story would tithe more, go on "visitation" or wash the buses used in the bus ministry. One particular demon tale was actually "captured" on tape by the infamous radio show host, Bob Larson. Being bored with being told we were going to hell, my buddies & I from church decided to listen to the tape and scare ourselves. (Think of it as a horror movie for the fundamental Christian kids.)

So I grew up and Christ opened my eyes to His grace, mercy & love as free gifts of life, not golden eggs for good little kids who look for them. He loved me first and my heart responded.

However, because spiritual warfare was addressed in my past life, I had not given much thought to it or it's affects. Maybe the fact that I never thought about it or simply pigeon holed it as past times for "charismatics" & "bored people", was in fact a weapon in spiritual warfare. I really am not sure.

But, since moving to MA, I have seen and experienced genuine spiritual warfare. It is all around us. People all over our church and on our staff are finding themselves in the harshest circumstances & in some of the most devastating anguish of their lives. False accusations from outside, false accusations from inside, misunderstandings, depression, crisis of belief, attacks on marriages, unexplained drops of support, blatant sin & inconsistent submission have been the norm for MERCYhouse since October. I don't think this blog would afford me the space to tell each of these stories. Needless to say, however, they all are real and there is very little explanation than an attack of the enemy.

I have been asking "Why this? Why now?" The only thing I can sense is that the closer you get to the front lines, the more fire you take on. Last year, as I prayed that prayer and asked God what he created me for, I sensed Him showing me that church planting and specifically in an area like New England. So we began to pursue that. Sense we have arrived it has been very evident that we were created for such a time and place as this.

A wonderful man of God, Rich Malone, once told me years ago, "There will be a time and place where you will be able to spread the wings God has given you and fly high for His glory." That meant a lot then and I feel like I have found that time. However, I am also seeing that we are flying high near the front lines and the enemy is not happy. Peoples lives are changing and God is using our lives to model what His love and grace looks like and the joy in life that He gives.

John 10 shows us that the enemy has come to steal, kill & destroy. I believe that is what the enemy is trying to do now.

No, I have not turned charismatic and I am far from bored right now. My ears are just wringing from the enemy mortar fire right now and I am aware of our need for prayer cover .
Please pray for MERCYhouse.

Pray for our staff and especially our Pastor Robert Krumrey and his family.

Please pray for the pastor of our new church plant, MERCYhouse Nights, Nate Cartel, his family and Kristen Brumbaugh, who is coordinating many MH Nights details.

Pray for our staff member, Lois Grandmaison, who is ministering on the Smith College campus as well as to many, many women of MERCYhouse.

Please pray for our Worship & Arts director, Cindy Pollsen, who leads us in worship, both on Sunday Morning and in our Tuesday Night House Church.

Finally, please pray for us. Pray for our girls, Maddie, Mackenzie & Mikiah. Pray for their hearts to be guarded and drawn to Christ daily.

Pray for Christie & I. Pray that we would love Jesus, love one another & love others.

Thank you all!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Is he serious?... April 1, 2009

Thoughts, insights & musings from the great mind of rmack32... If the Oklahoma Basketball team had played the game it played against Syracuse, against North Carolina and the game it played against North Carolina, against Syracuse, OU would be in the Final Four... I think we are pregnant with child number 4... Theology is a much needed thing, but something that distracts as well... Just kidding about the child # 4 thing... So far, I'm really impressed with Barack Obama... I watched a movie last Friday called "The Boy in the Stripped Pajamas". It is English and very serious. When it was over, I wanted to rip the flesh from arms and coat them in anti-bacterial gel to help me take my mind off of this torture that was that movie... No really, we are having child #4... Just kidding about the Barack Obama thing... Any movie that talks about a boy in pajamas, by general rule, should be left alone probably... I texted the greatest quote ever in the history of texting last night. It said, "The Spaghetti Monster is fun to think about, just not worship as god."... Now that is theology I can get... We really are having child #4, yes, Christie is pregnant... Is there a medication people take to be able to actually sit through American Idol and it's evil twin Dancing with the Stars? That would be the only explanation possible for being able to do so... George Bush's first 100 days were much more productive than Barack Obama's; however, neither of them can hold a candle to Millard Fillmore... Just kidding about the pregnancy thing... My attention to baseball, angry irish rock bands & all things organic has increased since moving to New England... My attention to the Civil War, race relations & Sonic has decreased since moving from Richmond... Wireless internet has ruined my TV viewing habits. I only watch what I want, when I want it now... Seriously, Christie and I are going to be parents again, due sometime in January... Just kidding about the Millard Fillmore thing... That was a fun sentence. I guarantee you that I have never uttered that sentence before today. Welcome to history... I'm beginning to question the value of wishing someone "Happy Birthday" on Facebook. Are we sending the wrong message in a drive by "Happy Birthday"?... OK, Christie and I are not really pregnant and it hurt my head trying to count 9 months forward from last month... I was told there would be no math... Is this a wast of blog space? Time? Effort?... Yes, Possibly, No... We really are pregnant... Are Yoda & Kermit the Frog related?... My oldest daughter has turned into a super model overnight... We're not pregnant... Happy April 1 day...